Broken for You

mothering God

When his crying woke me, night had already descended. Worn down by seven weeks of sleep deprivation, I’d put myself to bed before sundown. This was how I’d survive the grueling newborn stage again: I’d “sleep when the baby’s sleeping” away my tiredness. I pawed at my phone and checked the time. 2 a.m. I’d…

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The Beauty of Motherhood Excerpt: Nourished

finding God in meals shared

Even before being discharged from the hospital following the birth of my second child, Isaac, I discovered my blood pressure increased. In the weeks leading to delivery at check-ups, the nurses had to double-check my pressure multiple times as the numbers kept getting higher and higher. I never needed additional medicine or a hospital stay,…

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Nothing but Mother

paradoxical motherhood

After birth, I am all at once at home and out of place. Every task now a luxury of time. I want to spend all day with the baby, I want to spend all day alone. This month I have done nothing but mother, my body given in service to a tiny human I just…

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Everyday Sacrament Excerpt

mother's body given for you

This Is My Body, Given for You When the hour came, he took his place at the table, and the apostles with him…Then he took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this…

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Love Poured Out

breastfeeding journey leading to understanding a mothering God

I pace around our living room, wringing my hands, instinctively practicing the deep breathing of my labor weeks earlier—slow, sharp inhale…long, forceful exhale—in an effort to calm myself down.  Eric holds our tiny firstborn, who sucks vigorously on one of my husband’s pinkies with all the ferocity of a ravenous vacuum cleaner. Eric tentatively ventures:…

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A Prayer for a C-Section

c-section prayer

Whether planned or unplanned, a Caesarean section is a powerful birth experience. The act of surrender into a surgeon’s hands symbolizes the physical sacrifice of motherhood—and invites a new reflection on Jesus’ own words: “This is my body, given for you.” Since it’s normal to face fear or anxiety heading into the operating room, it…

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how to pray with baby: in peaceful moments

The last in the series on how to pray with baby: all day long, up all night, in fussy moments, and in peaceful moments. Holding To pray: The Lord, your God, who goes before you, is the one who will fight for you, just as he acted with you before your very eyes in Egypt,…

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how to pray with baby: for fussy moments

Wondering how to be more mindful with a new baby in your life? Check out two more ways to pray – all day long and up all night – and the complete series on spiritual practices with newborns. Crying To pray: O Lord my God, I cried to you for help,    and you have healed me.  O Lord,…

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how to pray with baby: up all night

Continuing with the practical side of spiritual practices with newborns, here is the 2nd in this series of simple ways to pray while caring for a baby: all day long, up all night, in fussy moments, and in peaceful moments.  Waking up at night To pray: I rise before dawn and cry for help; I put my…

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how to pray with baby: all day long

For those of you drowning in diapers and midnight feedings, I’ve compiled a list of short Scripture verses and quick prayer practices that you can do while caring for baby. All day long. Up all night. For fussy moments. For peaceful moments.  . . . Feeding To pray: Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord,…

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spiritual practices with newborns: healing

Mommy, I just want to hug you around your scars! His sky blue eyes flash. His brows furrow. The cheerful animals plastered across his summer pajamas – a grinning monkey and laughing elephant atop a fire engine – smile up at me in stark contrast to the glare on his face. For weeks he’s been…

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spiritual practices with newborns: holding

Be still and know that I am God. Your hands have held things that terrified you. Your first set of car keys. A boy’s sweaty palm. The college admission letter. Cold cans of beer. A brand-new passport. All gripped by fingers that trembled, knowing the weight of what might come next, the thrill as well…

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